Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine uses both traditional healing methods and modern science to support the body's natural healing abilities. After a thorough, holistic intake, your naturopathic doctor will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Treatment plans are unique to each patient but may include modalities such as acupuncture, nutrition and lifestyle... Read More

Naturopathic medicine uses both traditional healing methods and modern science to support the body's natural healing abilities. After a thorough, holistic intake, your naturopathic doctor will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Treatment plans are unique to each patient but may include modalities such as acupuncture, nutrition and lifestyle counselling and botanical medicine.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment that involves using very fine, sterile needles inserted into specific acupuncture points on the the body. The purpose of the treatments are to clear blockages, relax muscles, decrease inflammation and provide stress relief. Acupuncture can be helpful in managing many conditions including chronic pain, migraines, stress, anxiety, disordered sleep an... Read More

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment that involves using very fine, sterile needles inserted into specific acupuncture points on the the body. The purpose of the treatments are to clear blockages, relax muscles, decrease inflammation and provide stress relief. Acupuncture can be helpful in managing many conditions including chronic pain, migraines, stress, anxiety, disordered sleep and infertility.

Stephanie is a licenced Naturopathic Doctor and a member of the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors (NSAND), the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA), and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).

Stephanie graduated from Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS where she completed her Bachelor of Science with a double major in Biology and Psychology.

Having a lifelong passion for health and wellness, entering into the field of healthcare was always in the books. Upon being introduced to the philosophies and practices of naturopathy, her decision to pursue a career as a naturopathic doctor was an easy one. She re-located to Toronto, ON where she successfully completed the accredited, four-year naturopathic medical program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). Throughout her four years of studies at CCNM, Stephanie completed a one year internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic and a four month placement at Anishnawbe Health Toronto. Since graduating, Stephanie has also completed additional studies in natural weight management, low dose immunotherapy, facial rejuvenation acupuncture and sports nutrition.

Stephanie is a licenced Naturopathic Doctor and a member of the Nova Scotia Association of Naturo... Read More

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